
Friday, 20 March 2015

2015 Polyfest highlights

Intro: Yesterday morning the students, teachers and parent helpers of team 5 traveled on a bus to Manakau for the 2015 Poly-fest. All of team 5 had to transport there using 4 buses because there was a lot of students. Once we were all on the bus it was time to go, YAY!

As we arrived it was time to get off so everyone said “Thank you” to the bus driver and walked off. While we were waiting in a long queue the security guards were checking the other school’s bags. When it was our turn they didn't check our bags because Mrs Tele’a rung them up and asked if we didn't have to have our bags checked.

My first favorite thing about poly-fest was taking photo’s with Flava & Mai FM because they were really cool and I love both of their radio stations. Our first photo was with Flava, for our photo we had to get into groups of 5. After we took the photos with lava one of the guys printed 1 photo for us. When we took a photo with Mai FM they just told us to hold up a Mai FM sign and then take a selfie, that was really fun.

The second thing I enjoyed was seeing John Key the prime minister of New Zealand. He was only there for a couple minutes and then he left into the big ASB yellow cube. When John Key came all of the cameras were in the way so we couldn’t really see him properly.  

My last thing I enjoyed was learning about AUT ( Auckland University Technology) they were talking about game making. 3D printers was another thing they were talking about it was really cool watching a movie about them. We also got to see and hold some of their creations with a 3d printer.

I had so much fun at the poly-fest and it was also my first time going there so it was a great experience. Thank you to all of the parent helpers that came to the poly-fest with us, because you missed a day of work for our trip.

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