
Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Immersion assembly term 4 2015

For every first day of school Pt England school always has an assembly we like to call an Immersion assembly, this is when all of the teachers who work at Pt England school dress up in costumes and create a skit or a short movie that explains what they are going to be learning about for our topic Pt England school are going to be learning about Survivors, my team (team 5) are going to be learning about PES Survivors. For this topic we are going to learn about different countries and learning about how people and animals adapted to suit their environment.

As I excitedly walked into the hall for our Term 4 Immersion assembly, we saw our principal Mr Burt dressed up in weird clothes with a parrot hat on his head. When all of the students sat down  Mr Burt told us all that he was dressed up as a Fiapoko Parrot,  he then talked to us about a made up story about the Fiapoko Parrot, then he showed us a movie he made with a couple of students to help. I thought the movie was cool and funny but a bit boring in some parts.

Later on Mr Burt said “ Give it up for team 1”! When the team 1 teachers got up on the stage they were all dressed up as zookeepers, that was because all of team 1 were going to the zoo to visit all of the animals and look at all of their habitats..  For team 1’s movie they used videos from youtube of people at the zoo and used the song roar by Katy Perry, After the movie team 1 told us that we they are going to do a karaoke contest and whoever has the best voice they would win a prize. There  were only a couple students on stage because the rest of the school was to shy. The winner of the contest was Marika who was Miss King’s daughter, she got the loudest cheers so that’s how she won. The prize she won was a free trip to the zoo with team 1.

Then it was team 2 and 3’s turn, they were learning about dinosaurs, some are even  going to be making up their own dinosaurs. For team 2 one of the teachers dressed up  into a barney costume, when barney came out all of the little kids were excited, the other teachers asked if some people would want to hug him. For team 3 they were all dressed up as dinosaurs as well, all the teachers from team 3 had made up their own names for their dinosaurs, some of their names were Man-0 saurus, Ballerina-saurus so on so on. Team 3’s movie was called the disco dino's it had all the teachers from team 3 dancing to the song staying alive.  I thought the movie was funny at the end because they are all dancing and all of a sudden a huge explosion blows them up.
For team 4 the teachers asked some students to be in their movie and go in front of a green screen, behind the green screen was an animal and the students had to try guess what animal it was and where they were. I thought the movie was funny. My favourite part was when Venetia ( team 4 student) thought she was in candy land and she thought the animal was a unicorn. My other favourite part is when Dezmon ( Team 4 student) acted like a kangaroo and was hopping around. For team 5 the teachers had a noodle eating contest but they had to eat it with chopsticks so it was even harder, the winner of the contest was Miss Clark. It was funny because Miss Peato and Miss Misela were angry at Miss Clark because they kept saying it was unfair because she was asian.

I thought this terms immersion assembly was cool because the skits and movies were fun to watch and all of the teachers costumes were cool. I can’t wait for next year’s immersion assembly!!

The secret underground

Last week for literacy we did a presentation called the secret underground. This presentation is about insects and animals that live in a cave or in a underground place. For my DLO I have decided to do a animal called a Pandicorn, this is a mixture of a panda and a unicorn. This animal is going to live inside a fridge so it is going to need a fur coating so that it can survive the cold.

Monday, 19 October 2015

A Mixture of problems

Last week for maths we got given a presentation called A mixture of problems. The presentation  has lots of questions that we had to answer. We had to explain what sort of operation we want to use for the question, we then had to explain what equation we were going to use, then we had to show how we solved out the question.

Friday, 16 October 2015

History Of Superman

Image result for superman poster
                                                         Link to Superman's history video

Today for inquiry class we have been looking at the history of Superman. We learnt about how Superman adapted to match his environment. One thing he had to do adapt was to change his act and posture around other people. For our activity Miss Misela gave us some questions about superman’s history, here are all the answers I answered.  
History of Superman

  • Man of steel.... Red underwear or Blue underwear? Why did it change? DC comics wanted to change Superman’s  underwear to blue because they wanted a slicker gritted modern style.  

  • Krypton what is it? Krypton is a planet where superman was born. Krypton is also a chemical element with symbol Kr and atomic number 36. It is a member of group 18 elements.

  • Why was it important to superman? It was important to him because it is where he was born and it is his home planet.

  • What part did superman’s parents have in his survival? They sent him away to safety so that he could survive in planet earth.

  • Original Powers? Did he fly in the beginning? Superman’s original powers were maximum strength, super speed and x-ray vision. No Superman did not fly in the beginning.

  • What changed in term of his superpowers? Able to fly.

  • Daily planet - his does he adapt between his human workplace and being a superhero? He adapts by changing not only his clothes and style but he also changes his act and posture.