
Monday, 31 March 2014

The worst birthday ever!!!!!!!!!! (Part 2)

As I still search the house for presents I start to get a bit sleepy until I spot a little parcel on the kitchen table. I stare down at the parcel and on it the little sticker says to Jessie from Grandma. Jessie was excited to  open the parcel  because every year on her birthday grandma would always get her some fancy shoes and 200$. But this year she only got an Apple and and fruit basket with only 5 dollars in it, She was devastated about her gift. Her parents weren't even home or even left a card or anything. After that she went outside and walked to her friends house but she wasn't there as well.

                      The End... Is only just the beginning

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Coordinates Grid

Grid References

  1. What is the grid reference of the ∞ ? A2
  2. What is the grid reference of the * ? D4
  3. What is the grid reference of the Δ? B3
  4. What is the grid reference of the Circle? B5
  5. What is the grid reference of the Love Heart? A4
  6. What is the grid reference of the Smiley Face? C3
  7. What is the grid reference of the Cloud? E5
  8. What is the grid reference of the Sun? E3
What is the grid reference of the Lightning Bolt? C1

Moas: Add detail to the Beginnings, Middle and the End of a sentence.

Here is a movie we did of the Moas adding detail to a very simple sentence. I've learnt that you can turn 1 simple sentence into a detailed sentence. It also taught me how to write good and juicy sentences. 

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Educreations speech marks movie

Here is our educreations movie we did today in literacy class. 

Year 5 & 6 camp Recount

Wednesday morning was the first day of our awesome year 5 & 6 camp for 2014!!! All the year 5 & 6 students will be there  except for the children that haven't paid our didn't want to come. Our camp group was called the Care Bears Zane and I were  the camp leaders for Care Bears. Our camp was at our school we had to sleep in tents on the school field.

The Care Bears  had kayaking on Thursday down at the beach With Mr Burt that was my favorite activity. I wasn't very good at kayaking but I tried it and then after one round or two I got the hang of it. I felt very nervous about trying single kayak but it turns out that I was  pretty good well not pretty good really good. The number one thing that Mr Burt told us was If you fall out of your kayak you must always keep a hold of your kayak  because it will keep you up on the surface.

Sleeping in a tent was fun but also very cold in the night especially early in the morning. In the tent with me were Ashley and Alyiah they were very talkative when it came to bedtime. Our tent was really messy and it smelt really funny. Our next door neighbors were Zane, Cyrus and I don’t know who the other person was. Everyone had to wake up really early in the morning and then we had to do jump jam that was actually really fun.

When it came to Wednesday I knew it would be and awesome year 5 & 6 camp because we had amazing and fun activities. I was very excited at camp. Being a camp leader was awesome. I really enjoyed camp spending time with friends teaching the Care Bears our dance.

Butterfly life cycle

This term class 6,7 and 8 has been learning about a butterflies life cycle. If you want to know how a butterfly is raised then read this, it will also give you some very interesting information about Monarch butterflies.

                                               Stage 1 & 2
First the  female monarch butterfly flies on to a swan plant and lays a hundred of eggs that look the size of a sesame seed, around 4 days later the egg has hatched and out comes a tiny caterpillar that is only 2 mls long WOW that’s tiny. 2 minutes after the newborn caterpillar has hatched it starts to eat the shell. ( the shell is very good  for the newborn caterpillars).
                                                                   Stage 3 & 4
Later that day the little caterpillar starts to munch on the leaves of a milkweed plant. As it munches on the leaves it starts getting bigger and bigger. A day went past as the caterpillar is still eating a few minutes later it starts to shed it’s skin. When a caterpillar shed it’s skin it’s like a new beginning to them.

                                                                  Stage 5 & 6

When the caterpillar is fat enough it turns into a cocoon and it stays in there for about 2 weeks.When it is past two weeks or more the cocoon starts to crack and out comes a beautiful monarch butterfly. After it comes out it’s wings are still little so it takes them 45 minutes or less to stretch out the wings and for the blood to go through.

Geometry Glen Innes Map

Directions to Glen Innes pools.
1. Turn North West onto Pt England Rd
2. Head right (north) to Elstree Ave
3. Turn North East to Glen Innes pools 

Directions to Arianas House
1. Turn North West onto Pt England Rd 
2. Turn South onto Kawati Ave
3. Turn West down Kawati Ave 
4.And the open Arianas door and here you are.

Monday, 24 March 2014

The worst birthday ever!!!!!! (part 1)

It was 7:00am and Jessie woke up with excitement. When she woke up she said these words "this is going to be the best birthday ever" as soon as Jessie woke up she sprinted down to the kitchen to eat her special  breakfast she always gets on her birthday. As Jessie ran down she could smell the delicious bacon and sunnyside eggs cooking in the kitchen at the kitchen she could only see toast in the toaster no bacon no sunnyside eggs!!!!!!! she was devastated. After a minute or so she realized that she was actually imaging about the smell she couldn't smell the juicy greasy bacon or the fresh sunnyside eggs. Jessie was wrong this wasn't the best birthday ever she didn't even have her special breakfast so instead she went around the house looking out for any presents, She looked in cupboards wardrobes and anything else that has a door on it. No Presents either wow this really was the worst birthday ever......

                                                  To be continued.......    

Hauheke Harakeke Presentation

Here's my presentation about Hauheke Harakeke Enjoy!

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Writing test

                                         Para 1 what makes a good friend...
A good friend always looks up for each other and never judges them about their personality. A good friend never leaves a friend alone or goes and leave them and find someone else to hang out with. So what makes a good friend yes a nice and respectful chat so no argues or disrespectful conversations.  
                                      Para 2 Why is friendship important...
Friendship is important because when you start at a new school you might be a bit scared or shy, but if you meet someone quick then they can show you around and introduce you to all the children there and they might ask to be your friend. When I first started school I was was shy but then I made some friends and then i got over my shyness. If one of your friends  
is upset because she is lonely what should you do? If one of my were lonely I would ask if they would like to hang out with me because that is part of being a good friend.

                               Para 3 Why do we have friends..
The reason we have friends is so you can share you work with each other maybe share stuff about you what they didn’t know. We also have friends because if you're sad they can always help you and make you feel a lot better. Friends are awesome to have so enjoy having friends they might even invite you to sleepovers, birthdays and parties wouldn't that be fun.

Rainbow's end!!

On saturday I am going to the night ride at rainbow's end for my friends birthday. It is a surprise so she doesn't know that me and my mum, dad and brother are taking her there. It is going to be fun because it will be night time and when we go on the fear fall you can see the sky up high. 

It is going to be extra fun for me because thats the day after camp so I will have a awesome week cam and rainbow's end oh yea. I haven't been to rainbow's end for ages. The last time I went there was probably last year 2013.

Thursday, 6 March 2014

The birds nest.

The Bird Nest
Tom woke up and turned on the lamp. He pushed the sheet and Woollen rugs off himself and staggered to the Window, which was partly open. He looked up to see a full moon and there, in the moonlight, sitting on a nest in a massive gum tree, was a mother bird and her noisy baby chicks. The nest, made from twigs, straw, wool and dead grass, was swaying wildly from side to side. As it did so, the mother bird tried to calm her frightened young ones by chirping softly to them.

1. Write the Words which tell us that it was cold. Was swaying wildly from side to side.

2. Write the word which tells us that the birds lived in a large tree. Massive.

3. The nest was made from wool, twigs, wood and dead grass True OR False? False it was made out of twigs,wool, straw and dead grass.

4. Write the word from the story which tells us the noise that birds make. The mother bird tried to calm her frightened young ones by chirping softly.

5. Write the word from the story which tells us that Tom was not fully awake when he went to the window. Staggered to the window.

6. Why were the baby chicks noisy? Because they were frightened of the wind.

7. Was it Windy outside Tom's house? Because it was midnight.

8. How do you know? Because in the story it gives you a great answers.

9. It was very dark when Tom looked out the window True OR False? True.

10. What were Tom‘s rugs made from? Wool.

11. Tom had to get out of bed to turn on his lamp True OR False? False.

Monday, 3 March 2014

Year 5 and 6 camp for 2014

Hello my name is Brookyn and next Monday is our year 5& 6 camp. I am so excited because I went last year and I had lots of fun. This year I am a year 6 which means I might be a camp leader I'm super stoked about that. At our school camp we sleep in tents on our school field. We all stay there for 2 nights in the tents. I hope my friends are in my tent but it would make it harder for us to sleep because we talk the whole night, hopefully not because there are teachers outside making sure we don't talk because we all have to wake up at 7am or 6:30am thats pretty early. When we get woken up we have to do jump jam for exercise so it can wake us up with lots of energy for the big day ahead. At camp we do all sorts of activities like Kayaking, sports, rollerblading and also 
  tough and challenging games and more amazing and crazy epic stuff.. 

My statistical investigation

I was investigating what was the highest temperature in the morning during the 24th of Feb I found out that the highest temperature was at 12:00pm.  

I have made three different  graphs so you can see how high the temperature went. 

I think everyday the hottest temp will be at noon.

Tui Presentation 2014

 Hope you enjoy the slide show. Please leave a comment.